Dokter bedah digestif adalah dokter spesialis bedah umum yang memiliki kapasitas untuk melakukan tindakan operasi pada saluran cerna dan organ-organ dalam sistem pencernaan. Dokter bedah digestif berperan dalam mendiagnosis dan menangani berbagai gangguan pada sistem pencernaan. Penanganan dilakukan dengan melakukan operasi untuk memperbaiki atau bahkan menghilangkan bagian yang bermasalah.
The appendix, also known as the appendix, is a small organ located at the right end below the large intestine. The appendix is shaped like a radius with a length of 5 to 10 cm and a sac-like shape attached to the large intestine. It is still not fully understood what its exact function is; in so...
Do you often experience weeks-long pain? Do you frequently feel easily fatigued, with weight loss, and often experience diarrhea? It could be a chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
There are two types of inflammatory bowel diseases: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Both share ...
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Recent Surgical Innovation - Laparoscopic Appendicectomy
The appendix, also known as the appendix, is a small organ located at the right end below the large intestine. The appendix is shaped like a radius with a length of 5 to 10 cm and a sac-like shape attached to the large intestine. It is still not fully understood what its exact function is; in so...
Inflammatory Bowel Disease that is difficult to differentiate - Chorn's Disease VS Ulcerative Colitis
Do you often experience weeks-long pain? Do you frequently feel easily fatigued, with weight loss, and often experience diarrhea? It could be a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. There are two types of inflammatory bowel diseases: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Both share ...