dr. Riri Virzan Putri, M.Ked(Ped), Sp.A

dr. Riri Virzan Putri, M.Ked(Ped), Sp.A


 Hermina Medan

dr. Riri Virzan Putri, M.Ked (Ped), Sp.A merupakan dokter spesialis anak di RSU Hermina Medan. Beliau merupakan lulusan Fakultas Kedokteran di Universitas Sumatera Utara. Beliau dapat menangani seputar permasalahan kesehatan fisik, mental, emosional, tumbuh kembang, dan sosial anak. Tindakan yang dapat beliau lakukan seperti vaksinasi, memberikan pertolongan medis dalam kasuskegawatdaruratan anak, melakukan perawatan kesehatan baik rawat jalan maupun rawat inap pada anak
Prevent Obesity In Children

Obese children do look adorable, especially on the cheeks, so chubby. But behind that, there are health hazards that lurk in children with obesity. Several circumstances can be a factorobesity in children. In addition to heredity, poor diet,excess milk, and lack of physical activity and exerc...

Fatal Health Impacts of Abused Children

Currently, another case of child abuse has occurred, this time involving a child with the initials CA who is the son of a celebrity. Currently, the child's condition is experiencing serious trauma and there are bruises on his face due to abuse caused by his own caregiver, IPS (27). The abuse occ...

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