dr. Rizky Rakhmayanti, Sp.PD

dr. Rizky Rakhmayanti, Sp.PD

 Internal Medicine

 Hermina Pandanaran

dr. Rizky Rakhmayanti, Sp.PD merupakan dokter spesialis penyakit dalam yang menangani berbagai keluhan, gejala, dan masalah kesehatan terkait hampir seluruh sistem organ dalam tubuh pasien dewasa dan lansia. Dokter penyakit dalam memiliki keahlian dan kompetensi untuk menangani berbagai penyakit yang tidak dapat ditangani oleh dokter umum.
Patients With Hypertension Are More Susceptible To COVID-19

Hypertension is a disease characterized by high blood pressure. When it beats, the heart pumps blood which will enter the blood vessels to make the body function properly. A person can be said to have hypertension if the systolic blood pressure reading on the measurement for two consecutive days...

The Importance of Medical Check Up for Maintaining Health

Have you ever heard of Hermina's friend when someone who looks healthy suddenly gets a deadly disease that leads to death? This condition can be more prone to occur in people who have never had a medical check-up. Medical Check Up is a comprehensive health examination activity. This means tha...

Diseases After The Rainy Season

Some diseases do not know season or time or can strike at any time. However, there are also some diseases whose incidence or transmission rates increase in certain seasons, for example the rainy season. The rainy season can be regarded as a disease-prone season because various types of microbes ...

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