dr. Sarah Rafika Nursyirwan, Sp.A(K)

dr. Sarah Rafika Nursyirwan, Sp.A(K)

 Pediatrics - (Cardiology)

 Hermina Depok

dr. Sarah Rafika Nursyirwan, Sp.A(K) Konsultan Jantung Anak merupakan dokter RS Hermina Depok yang berfokus mendiagnosis dan mengobati berbagai masalah kesehatan jantung pada bayi, anak, dan remaja, mulai dari penyakit jantung bawaan, gangguan irama jantung (aritmia), hingga gangguan fungsi jantung.
Getting to Know Children's Heart Health: Signs and Symptoms to Watch Out for

Children's heart health is an important aspect that parents need to pay attention to. The heart is a vital organ that plays a role in pumping blood throughout the body, including other important organs. Therefore, it is important for us to recognize the signs and symptoms to watch out for regard...

Preventing Heart Disease in Children: Tips for Maintaining Heart Health from an Early Age

Heart disease is no longer a problem only experienced by adults. More and more children are experiencing heart health problems, and this is a serious concern for parents and medical personnel. Therefore, it is important for us to know how to prevent heart disease in children from an early age. I...

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