dr. Septian Rahadi, Sp.N

dr. Septian Rahadi, Sp.N


 Hermina Mutiara Bunda Salatiga

Dr. Septian Rahadi, Sp.N adalah dokter spesialis neurologi yang berfokus pada diagnosis dan pengelolaan berbagai gangguan sistem saraf, seperti stroke, sakit kepala, epilepsi, gangguan saraf tepi, dan penyakit neurodegeneratif. Dengan keahlian dan pendekatan yang komprehensif, beliau memberikan pelayanan medis yang optimal untuk mendukung kesehatan saraf pasien. Dr. Septian Rahadi siap membantu Anda dalam menjaga fungsi saraf dan kualitas hidup.
What is Tremor?

Okay, here's the English translation of the provided article:    What is Tremor?   By Dr. Septian Rahadi, SpN   Tremor is an involuntary, rhythmic shaking movement that occurs repeatedly without being noticed and appears in one or more limbs. More often, tremors appe...

Signs of Vision Disorders to Watch Out For  

  Vision disorders are conditions where the eyes' ability to see clearly or function optimally is impaired. This can be caused by various factors, such as refractive errors, cataracts, glaucoma, and other eye diseases. Early detection of vision disorders is crucial to provide appropriate...

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