dr. Shelly Vanny, Sp.M

dr. Shelly Vanny, Sp.M


 Hermina Jatinegara

dr. Shelly Vanny, Sp.M adalah dokter RS Hermina Jatinegara yang memiliki keahlian spesifik dalam memberikan pemeriksaan, perawatan, serta diagnosis yang berhubungan dengan penyakit mata dan gangguan penglihatan. Bukan hanya itu, dokter spesialis mata juga memiliki kompetensi dalam menangani operasi mata.
Want Always Healthy Eyes? Here are the tips!

Sahabat Hermina, the eyes are a very important organ for humans. Maintaining eye health can prevent you from various risks of eye disease and even loss of vision. Tired eyes are usually characterized by soreness around the eyes and a dry feeling that makes vision blurry in some people. Apart ...

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