dr. Sherly Melwani, Sp.KJ

dr. Sherly Melwani, Sp.KJ


 Hermina Serpong

 Hermina Periuk Tangerang

dr. Sherly Melwani, Sp.KJ fokus mengobati kesehatan mental baik kelainan psikotik maupun kelainan neurotik seperti skizofrenia, depresi, kecemasan, insomnia dll. dr. Sherly Melwani, SpKJ dapat melakukan pengobatan dengan psikofarmakologi maupun psikoterapi. -Melakukan konseling untuk berbagai masalah kesehatan mental -Melakukan psikoterapi seperti Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Terapi Relaksasi, dll
Know Some of the Causes of Mental Health Disorders

Mental health is affected by events in life that leave a large impact on a person's personality and behavior. These events can take the form of domestic violence, abuse, or long-term severe stress. If mental health is disturbed, mental disorders arise. Mental disorders can change the way a pers...

Dangers of Internet Addiction, and Know the Symptoms, How to Overcome It

In today's era, internet interaction is needed in communication, activities such as work, entertainment, shopping, doing business and so on. Where many of us cannot escape the grip of a smart phone, with this one sophisticated device we can communicate in real time, use the application widel...

Preventing Stess for Teens Affected by Bullying

Bullying is an aggressive act that can be physical, verbal or relational. These behaviors may occur continuously and over a long period of time. Physical bullying includes actions such as hitting, kicking and pushing. Theft, vandalism, bullying, and harassment include physical bullying. In a...

Preventing the Impact of Stress for Teenagers Experiencing Bullying

Bullying is an aggressive behavior that can be physical, verbal, or relational. This behavior can be performed non-stop and over a long period of time. Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking or pushing. Stealing, damaging property, hazing and harassment also include physical bullying. In a...

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