dr. Soracca Fellicita Sugiarto , Sp.KFR adalah dokter RS Hermina Pekalongan yang memiliki keahlian terkait diagnosis, evaluasi, dan penatalaksanaan pasien yang mengalami disfungsi dan disabilitas fisik dan/atau kognitif. Selain itu, dr. Soracca Fellicita Sugiarto, Sp.KFR juga dapat melakukan perbaikan fungsi pada orang-orang yang memiliki keterbatasan fungsi karena, bertambahnya usia, dapat bertahan hidup setelah mengalami penyakit berat seperti cerebral palsy, stroke, cedera sumsum tulang belakang, trauma multipel, dsb, dan menyandang penyakit kronik dan masih aktif bekerja.
What Causes Children to Walk Late
Friends of Hermina, you need to know that many parents expect their children to grow and develop according to their age. At the age of 12 to 18 months, the child should be able to walk naturally. However, if it is past the age of 18 months and the child is still not able to walk on his own, he m...
Sharpening Motor and Sensory Skills with Occupational Therapy
Definition of Occupational Therapy Occupational therapy is a form of treatment that aims to help individuals with physical, mental, or cognitive limitations. Through this therapy, it is hoped that the sufferer can reduce dependence on others in carrying out daily activities. Why ...