dr. Sumardi Fransiskus Simanjuntak, Sp.A (K)

dr. Sumardi Fransiskus Simanjuntak, Sp.A (K)

 Pediatrics - (Gastro-Hepatology)

 Hermina Bogor

Dokter anak ahli gastro-hepatologi adalah dokter spesialis anak yang khusus menangani berbagai macam keluhan terkait saluran pencernaan anak, mulai dari kerongkongan, lambung, usus halus, hingga usus besar. Dokter subspesialis ini juga menangani gangguan pada organ hati, kandung empedu, dan pankreas anak.
Is Constipation Dangerous for Children?

The condition of constipation in children cannot be underestimated; this can disrupt the child's digestive health, which can affect their growth and health. However, friends of Hermina don't need to panic if your child has constipation. Constipation experienced by children can be overcome by adm...

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