dr. Suprayitno Wardoyo, Sp.BTKV

dr. Suprayitno Wardoyo, Sp.BTKV

 Surgery - (Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery)

 Hermina Depok

Dr. Suprayitno Wardoyo, Sp.B-TKV merupakan dokter RS Hermina Depok yang berfokus dalam menangani kasus penyakit di organ dalam rongga dada, terutama jantung dan paru-paru. Tugas dokter spesialis ini mulai dari melakukan diagnosis, memberikan obat-obatan, hingga penanganan dengan cara operasi.
CABG: An Effective Solution to Treat Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease is a disease that is often experienced by Indonesian people. This disease occurs when blood flow to the heart muscle is hampered due to a blockage in the coronary blood vessels. If not treated properly immediately, coronary heart disease can be fatal and threaten the suffe...

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