dr. Sylva Medika Permatasari, Sp.A

dr. Sylva Medika Permatasari, Sp.A


 Hermina Sukabumi

How to Treat Fever, Coughs, and Colds in Children

The rainy season often triggers fever, coughs, and colds in children because their immune systems are still developing. This condition is usually not serious and can be treated with simple steps by Hermina's friends at home. Here are some ways that can help relieve symptoms in children: &nbsp...

This is Handling Post-Immunization Fever in Children

Fever after immunization often occurs and is still a problem for parents. Sometimes this fever is the reason why parents are lazy about getting their children immunized, because they are afraid that the child will have a fever. Actually, there is no need to worry about this as long as parents un...

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