dr. Tommy Febrianto, Sp.OG

dr. Tommy Febrianto, Sp.OG

 Obstetrics and gynaecology

 Hermina Solo

Riwayat Pendidikan : 1990-1996 ( SD Tarakanita Solo Baru ) 1996-1999 ( SMP Pangudi Luhur Bintang Laut Surakarta ) 1999-2002 ( SMA Negeri III Surakarta ) 2002-2008 ( Dokter Umum Universitas Sebelas Maret ) 2012-2016 ( Spesialis Obgyn Universitas Sam Ratulangi )
Healthy Homecoming Tips for Pregnant Women

The moment of going home or returning home has become a habit carried out by Indonesian people before the holidays. Because the unstoppable feeling of homesickness makes this holiday a perfect time to reunite with relatives. Then, what about pregnant women? Are pregnant women allowed to travel l...

Urine Retention in Postpartum Mothers

Hermina's friends, in general during pregnancy you experience frequent urination. However, one or two days after giving birth, experiencing this for more than 6 hours can cause stress on the bladder, leaving long-term effects so that the condition is called urinary retention. Severe urinary rete...

What Happens If Pregnant Women Are Deficient in Vitamin D?

Sahabat Hermina, di awal masa kehamilan, perasaan senang dan bahagia pasti dirasakan oleh ibu hamil karena tahu bahwa dirinya sedang mengandung. Setiap ibu pasti akan mempersiapkan yang terbaik untuk calon buah hatinya, termasuk asupan gizi dan makanannya. Namun, zat gizi pada makanan yang serin...

Recognizing High-Risk Pregnancy

A high-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy in which both the mother and the fetus are at risk of death or illness during pregnancy, delivery or after birth. Then there are some medical conditions that can cause you to have a high-risk pregnancy. This medical condition can occur during pregnancy or bef...

Recognize the symptoms and ways to prevent UTIs in pregnant women

What is a urinary tract infection, or often abbreviated as UTI? UTI is an infection caused by bacteria that targets the urinary tract system. This condition is very common in pregnant women. Generally, pregnant women can experience UTI during pregnancy which lasts between 6 and 24 weeks. This co...

Get to know Cesarean delivery, preparation, procedures and side effects

Hermina's friends, the birth method is a caesarean section or cesarean section, also called a caesarean section or SC, which is a surgical delivery process in which the doctor makes an incision in the mother's stomach and uterine wall to remove the baby. Therefore, during the operation the mothe...

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