dr. Tri Novia Sari Putri, Sp. THT-KL

dr. Tri Novia Sari Putri, Sp. THT-KL


 Hermina Aceh

dr. Tri Novia Sari Putri, SpTHT-KL dokter RS Hermina Aceh yang memiliki keahlian spesifik dalam mengobati penyakit yang berkaitan dengan telinga, hidung, dan tenggorokan.
The Importance of Maintaining ENT Health to Prevent Serious Diseases

The Importance of Maintaining ENT Health to Prevent Serious Diseases The ear, nose, and throat (ENT) are three important organs in the body that play a role in basic functions such as hearing, breathing, swallowing, and speaking. The three have a very close relationship and often problem...

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