dr. Tuti Warnengsih, Sp.S adalah dokter RS Hermina Ciputat yang mendiagnosis dan mengobati masalah yang berkaitan dengan otak dan sistem saraf. dr. Tuti Warnengsih, Sp.S menangani penyakit yang berkaitan dengan otak dan saraf, termasuk saraf tulang belakang dan saraf tepi.
Hermina’s Friend, recently, cases of bleeding in the brain or hemorrhagic stroke have become a public concern. Hemorrhagic stroke is a type of stroke that is dangerous. Hemorrhagic stroke is a type of stroke that occurs when blood vessels in the brain burst and can reduce brain function.
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Alert! Stroke Blood Vessel Rupture and Treatment
Hermina’s Friend, recently, cases of bleeding in the brain or hemorrhagic stroke have become a public concern. Hemorrhagic stroke is a type of stroke that is dangerous. Hemorrhagic stroke is a type of stroke that occurs when blood vessels in the brain burst and can reduce brain function. ...