dr. Uly Indrasari, Sp.S

dr. Uly Indrasari, Sp.S


 Hermina Daan Mogot

dr. Uly Indrasari, Sp.S merupakan dokter saraf RS Hermina Daan Mogot yang berfokus pada penanganan masalah untuk mendiagnosis dan mengobati penyakit yang berkaitan dengan sistem saraf, termasuk otak, otot, saraf tepi, dan saraf tulang belakang yang meliputi serangkaian pemeriksaan fisik umum dan neurologis yang berfokus pada otak dan saraf tepi. dr. Uly Indrasari, Sp.S bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: Menginterpretasi hasil pemeriksaan radiologis, seperti CT scan, MRI, dan PET scan, pada otak dan saraf, EEG (elektroensefalogram) atau tes gelombang listrik otak, tes ini dilakukan dengan cara menempelkan kabel elektroda pada kulit kepala, lalu menghubungkannya dengan mesin yang merekam aktivitas listrik otak, EMG dan Evoked potensial test gelombang listrik untuk memeriksa saraf tepi, saraf autonom, saraf induk(medula spinal), kortek otak, menginterpretasi hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium, seperti tes darah, tes urine serta analisis cairan otak, untuk mengidentifikasi penyakit yang menyerang sistem saraf, biopsi saraf dan otot untuk mencari tanda-tanda kelainan pada saraf, pungsi lumbal, yaitu prosedur pengambilan cairan otak dari tulang belakang
Getting to Know Insomnia and Hypersomnia

Have you ever had trouble sleeping or the opposite often slept? what exactly is a sleep disorder? why does this happen and how to fix it? Adequate sleep consists of 8 hours / day. Sleeping too long or too little can cause mental and physical disturbances. The first sleep disorder is insomnia....

How to treat epilepsy.

Epilepsy is a condition of recurrent seizures in part or all of the body caused by disturbances in the electrical activity of the brain. This disease is not contagious and can be controlled with regular and proper care. In fact, anyone can experience epilepsy. This disease can attack people of a...

Recovery Action After Stroke

Stroke is the second leading cause of death in the world and is the number one cause of death that often occurs in Indonesia. Based on the 2018 Indonesian Ministry of Health Basic Health Survey, the prevalence of stroke was 10.9%. As many as 2,120,362 people suffer from stroke every year. The...

Causes & Factors of Hemorrhagic Stroke

Stroke is a condition where the brain does not get blood supply suddenly because it is purely a blood vessel disorder, so that brain cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrient intake. There are two types of stroke, namely: • Ischemic stroke, occurs because the brain's blood vessels ex...

Microsleep Dangers to Health

Often when we are doing activities such as driving, staring at a computer screen or watching TV we feel sleepy and fall asleep in a split second. This is referred to as microsleep. What is microsleep? Microsleep is an episode of loss of consciousness or attention that lasts about a fracti...

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