dr. Vashti Resti Putri Firdaus,SpB adalah dokter RS Hermina Pekalongan yang fokus mengobati penyakit, cedera, atau kondisi gawat darurat pada tubuh melalui metode bedah (operatif) dan obat-obatan, serta melakukan diagnosis sesuai keahlian dan ilmu yang dimiliki untuk menentukan perlu atau tidaknya prosedur bedah dilakukan.
Appendicitis: Recognize Appendicitis Symptoms Before It's Too Late!
What is Appendicitis? The appendix, or appendix, is a small, tube-shaped organ connected to the beginning of the large intestine, located in the lower right abdomen. Although its function in the human body is not very clear, the appendix is believed to have a small role in the immune system, ...