dr. Very Great Eka Putra, Sp.OG.,Subsp.Onk merupakan dokter yang memiliki keahlian khusus dalam menangani tumor dan kanker pada organ reproduksi wanita. Hal ini meliputi tumor dan kanker yang menyerang rahim, indung telur (ovarium), leher rahim (serviks), vagina, dan vulva.
When Should You Consult an Obgyn Oncologist? What Signs and Symptoms Should You Watch Out For?
Obgyn oncology is a specialist who focuses on treating cancers of the female reproductive system, including cervical, ovarian, uterine, and vulvar cancers. Early detection is essential in treating gynecologic cancers, so understanding when to consult an obgyn oncology and recognizing the signs a...
Obgyn Oncology, Women's Friend Against Reproductive Cancer
Reproductive health is one of the important aspects of a woman's life. However, the threat of cancer in the female reproductive system is a serious concern that requires special treatment. This is where the role of obstetrics and gynecology oncology specialists (obgyn oncology) becomes very vita...