Dokter rehabilitasi medis adalah dokter spesialis yang berperan membantu memulihkan fungsi tubuh pasien yang mengalami gangguan atau kecacatan. Dengan bantuan dokter rehabilitasi medis, pasien diharapkan dapat memiliki kualitas hidup yang lebih baik.
A work accident is an event that is unexpected, undesirable, and can cause loss of life or property. It occurs due to work or while carrying out work and on the way from home to work and returning home via the usual or normal road.
Occupational diseases include diseases caused by work and/or ...
Impaired swallowing function is the difficulty or inability to crush or move food safely from the mouth to the stomach.
There are several stages to swallowing; namely, in the first stage, food enters the mouth and is then chewed and mixed with saliva. In the second stage, food is pushed into ...
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Rehabilitation in Cases of Accidents and Occupational Diseases
A work accident is an event that is unexpected, undesirable, and can cause loss of life or property. It occurs due to work or while carrying out work and on the way from home to work and returning home via the usual or normal road. Occupational diseases include diseases caused by work and/or ...
Swallowing Disorder Rehabilitation (Dysphagia)
Impaired swallowing function is the difficulty or inability to crush or move food safely from the mouth to the stomach. There are several stages to swallowing; namely, in the first stage, food enters the mouth and is then chewed and mixed with saliva. In the second stage, food is pushed into ...