dr. Winda Permata Bastian, SpPD adalah dokter penyakit dalam atau internis yang menangani berbagai keluhan dan masalah kesehatan pada pasien dewasa dan lansia. Penanganan yang dilakukan mencakup semua organ tubuh bagian dalam. Selain itu, dr. Winda Permata Bastian, SpPD juga menangani penyakit-penyakit non-bedah, mencakup hampir seluruh tubuh manusia dengan berbagai keluhan dan gejala penyakit.
Anemia - Know the Symptoms and Causes and Prevention
Anemia is a condition when the body lacks blood cells containing hemoglobin to distribute oxygen to all organs of the body. Under these conditions, sufferers will usually feel tired, so they cannot carry out activities optimally. Anemia is defined by the WHO as a hemoglobin level of 13 g/dl in m...
Hypertension at a Young Age How come? Let's find out more!
Hello, Hermina Friends! Hypertension, or what is commonly called high blood pressure," is a condition where the blood pressure in the body is at 130/80 mmHg or more. In general, hypertension affects people who are elderly; the older they get, the more their risk of getting hypertension will incr...