dr Yudistira Panji Santosa SpPD-KKV merupakan dokter senior spesialis penyakit dalam dengan subspesialisasi kardiovaskular yang sudah berpengalaman dan sudah menjalani pelatihan di dalam dan di luar negri, bertugas di RS Hermina Kemayoran. dr Yudistira Panji Santosa SpPD-KKV dapat memberikan pelayanan rawat jalan, rawat inap dan tindakan prosedural di penyakit jantung dan penyakit pembuluh darah baik secara invasif dan non invasif. Pelayanan diberikan untuk konsultasi maupun tatalaksana seputar penyakit kardiovaskular dewasa seperti menurunkan faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskular, tatalaksana pengobatan dan tindakan setelah terjadi penyakit kardiovaskular maupun tindakan untuk mengurangi penyakit menjadi bertambah berat pada penyakit kardiovaskular yang akut seperti serangan jantung, gagal jantung, gangguan irama jantung baik penyakit kardiovaskular yang kronis seperti penyakit jantung koroner, lemah jantung, penyakit katup dan penurunan faktor risiko sebelum terjadinya penyakit kardiovaskular. Tindakan yang dapat dilakukan dari yang non invassi sampai invasif seperti elektrokardiogram, uji stress test, bahkan sampai kateterisasi dan pemasangan stent dapat dilakukan dr Yudistira Panji Santosa SpPD-KKV di RS Hermina Kemayoran
Exposure to Road Noise and Potential Risk of Heart and Vascular Disease
Roadway noise is one of the most common sources of noise pollution in urban areas. Exposure to this noise can have negative effects on human health, including increasing the risk of heart and vascular diseases. This article will discuss the relationship between exposure to highway noise and the ...
Could too much cycling cause heart problems?
Exercise is safe for most people and is actively encouraged. In the short term, it can improve your mood and energy levels. In the long run, it has been proven to improve the outcomes of chronic diseases including heart health. In general, 30 minutes of a moderate level of exercise (eg. brisk wa...
What It Means When Your Heart Skips a Beat
Palpitations make you feel like your heart is beating too hard or too fast, skipping a beat, or fluttering. Palpitations can happen at any time, even if you’re resting or doing normal activities. Although they may be startling, palpitations usually aren’t serious or harmful. However, they can so...
What is 'holiday heart syndrome' and knowing the signs could save a life
The holiday season can be a time filled with friends, family and, of course, holiday food and beverages. While it is perfectly fine to indulge in one’s favorite food and beverages this holiday season, it is best to avoid overindulging in these items, which can potentially lead to a condition kno...
Does Coffee Really Lower the Risk of a Heart Attack?
Could too much cycling cause heart problems?
Exercise is safe for most people and is actively encouraged. In the short term, it can improve your mood and energy levels. In the long run, it has been proven to improve the outcomes of chronic diseases including heart health. In general, 30 minutes of a moderate level of exercise (eg. brisk wa...
Short sleep duration, the link between sleep and heart health
Heavy snoring can sound funny to your sleep partner, but the condition is no joke. To understand ‘How snoring is related to heart disease?’ or ‘How does snoring affect your heart?’ one must recall the essentials of human physiology. Nose and mouth are the doors to oxygen. We breathe in ...
Caution! Factors Causing Stroke that Need to Be Known
Stroke, a sudden attack that paralyzes brain function, is like a storm that hits without warning. Understanding the contributing factors is like understanding the signs of a storm, helping us to prepare and minimize the risk of developing this deadly attack. This article will dive into the va...
The Distinction Between Acute And Chronic Heart Failure
Heart failure or sometimes referred to as congestive heart failure occurs when the heart muscle does not pump blood as it should. However, this does not mean that your heart stops beating, your heart is still beating but cannot fulfill the oxygen supply to the rest of the body. In general, he...