dr. Yudistira Pratama, Sp.THT-BKL

dr. Yudistira Pratama, Sp.THT-BKL


 Hermina Podomoro

dr. Yudistira Pratama, Sp.THT-KL merupakan dokter RS Hermina Podomoro, Blok E 3, Jl. Danau Agung 2 No.28 - 30, RT.3/RW.16, Sunter Agung, Kec. Tj. Priok, Jakarta Utara yang berfokus menangani penyakit Telinga, Hidung, Tenggorokan, Kepala, Leher (THT-KL)
Water in the Ear? Try These Simple Tips!

Having water in the ear can often be an uncomfortable experience and may cause temporary hearing impairment. This commonly occurs after swimming or bathing. When water enters the ear, it can lead to several symptoms that an individual might experience. Signs and Symptoms of Water in the E...

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