dr. Yusri Hapsari Utami, Sp.KJ adalah dokter RS Hermina Mekarsari yang fokus pada diagnosis, pengobatan, dan pencegahan terhadap gangguan emosional, kejiwaan, maupun perilaku, serta mendiagnosis dan menangani gangguan mental pada pasien.
Hello Hermina Friends,
Stress can occur anywhere, including in the work environment. If left alone, this condition can worsen and cause a person to experience a more severe mental condition, namely depression. Not only that, mental disorders that are left untreated can also increase the risk of...
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Beware of Burnout Syndrome in Workers
Hello Hermina Friends, Stress can occur anywhere, including in the work environment. If left alone, this condition can worsen and cause a person to experience a more severe mental condition, namely depression. Not only that, mental disorders that are left untreated can also increase the risk of...