dr. Zahroh Zuliana Azizah, Sp THT-KL adalah dokter RSIA Hermina Mutiara Bunda Salatiga yang memiliki keahlian spesifik
dalam mengobati penyakit yang berkaitan dengan telinga, hidung, dan tenggorokan. Selain itu,
dokter spesialis THT juga bertugas mengatasi sejumlah penyakit yang terjadi di kepala dan leher.
What is Cerumen Prop?
Have you ever felt your ears feel full? There could be a buildup of cerumen prop in your ear. The following is an explanation of cerumen props for you. Definition of Serumen Prop Cerumen Prop is dirt in the ear that clogs. This dirt can usually accumulate and clump hard, causing ear c...
What is Cerumen Prop?
Have you ever felt your ears feel full? There could be a buildup of cerumen prop in your ear. The following is an explanation of cerumen props for you. Definition of Serumen Prop Cerumen Prop is dirt in the ear that clogs. This dirt can usually accumulate and clump hard, causing ear c...
Does Tonsil Surgery Really Affect Children's Immunity?
Friends of Hermina, as we all know, tonsillitis is often found in children. Parents certainly feel worried if their child has tonsillitis. Moreover, if after checking the child to the ENT doctor, the child should be advised for surgical removal of the tonsils. Generally, the cause of the tonsils...
What is serumen?
Friends of Hermina, do you know that earwax, or cerumen, is the product of the fat glands and sweat glands in the ear canal? Cerumen usually has a soft, sticky consistency and is yellow to brown in color. Under normal conditions, cerumen is only in the outer ear canal, because these glands are o...
What is serumen?
Friends of Hermina, do you know that earwax, or cerumen, is the product of the fat glands and sweat glands in the ear canal? Cerumen usually has a soft, sticky consistency and is yellow to brown in color. Under normal conditions, cerumen is only in the outer ear canal, because these glands are o...
What is serumen?
Friends of Hermina, do you know that earwax, or cerumen, is the product of the fat glands and sweat glands in the ear canal? Cerumen usually has a soft, sticky consistency and is yellow to brown in color. Under normal conditions, cerumen is only in the outer ear canal, because these glands are o...
What is serumen?
Friends of Hermina, do you know that earwax, or cerumen, is the product of the fat glands and sweat glands in the ear canal? Cerumen usually has a soft, sticky consistency and is yellow to brown in color. Under normal conditions, cerumen is only in the outer ear canal, because these glands are o...
Signs of Hearing Impairment to Be Aware Of
Modern lifestyle often requires us to connect with technology, especially during the pandemic where online meetings and video calls have become daily necessities. However, excessive use of headphones or earbuds can pose serious risks of hearing impairment. Hearing impairment is not a trivial ...
How to take care of your ears to keep them healthy and functioning optimally?
The ear is a very important organ for humans. Ears not only function to hear, but also to maintain body balance. The ear is divided into three parts, namely the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. These three parts work together to convert sound waves into electrical signals that can be unders...
Tonsils in Children
Tonsils in Children Friends of Hermina, of course we are not foreign to the term tonsil. The tonsils are lumps of tissue on either side of the back of the throat that help the immune system protect the body from infection. When the tonsils become infected, the condition is known as tonsillitis....
Tips for Maintaining Ear Health
Tips for Maintaining Ear Health Ears are one of the five senses that support the functions of the human body. Without it, one will not be able to enjoy the beautiful melodies of the world. However, not a few people who ignore ear health. These people will generally only realize the importan...