In this modern era, any information can be easily accessed through social media. This can also be a positive impact because we can find out what news is being widely discussed and the negative impact of pornography can easily be accessed by all groups.
If this continues to happen, more and more ...
Stroke is a neurological emergency disease, which is a disease caused by disruption of blood flow either due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels, causing a neurological deficit, but it occurs suddenly and lasts usually for 24 hours. So stroke occurs due to rupture of blood vessels in the bra...
Low back pain (LBP) is often felt by humans, especially office workers or those of advanced age. As many as 17-31% of the total population have experienced NPB in their lifetime. Low back pain is pain that is felt between the corners of the lowest ribs and the lower buttock fold. Based on the 20...
Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced due to an event (ischemic stroke) or the rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). Without a blood supply, the brain will not get oxygen and nutrients, so the sale of most of the brain regions wi...
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Side effects of watching porn on brain performance
In this modern era, any information can be easily accessed through social media. This can also be a positive impact because we can find out what news is being widely discussed and the negative impact of pornography can easily be accessed by all groups. If this continues to happen, more and more ...
Stroke Sufferers Must Know! "IMMEDIATELY GO TO THE HOSPITAL" If You Have These Symptoms
Stroke is a neurological emergency disease, which is a disease caused by disruption of blood flow either due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels, causing a neurological deficit, but it occurs suddenly and lasts usually for 24 hours. So stroke occurs due to rupture of blood vessels in the bra...
Do you often have lower back pain? Maybe Caused By This!
Low back pain (LBP) is often felt by humans, especially office workers or those of advanced age. As many as 17-31% of the total population have experienced NPB in their lifetime. Low back pain is pain that is felt between the corners of the lowest ribs and the lower buttock fold. Based on the 20...
Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced due to an event (ischemic stroke) or the rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). Without a blood supply, the brain will not get oxygen and nutrients, so the sale of most of the brain regions wi...