drg. Ade Ismail A, Sp.Perio

drg. Ade Ismail A, Sp.Perio

 Dentistry - (Periodontics)

 Hermina Pandanaran

drg. Ade Ismail A, Sp.Perio merupakan dokter gigi spesialis jaringan penyangga gigi yang memiliki fokus dalam tindakan pencegahan, diagnosis, dan pengobatan untuk gangguan gusi, peradangan mulut, dan pemasangan implan gigi yang merupakan akar gigi buatan dari titanium yang digunakan untuk menggantikan gigi yang hilang. Spesialis periodonsia telah terlatih untuk melakukan pengobatan rekonstruktif dan suportif. Pengobatan rekonstruktif adalah upaya mengembalikan bentuk dan fungsi dari rongga mulut yang sakit dengan tindakan intervensi, misalnya cangkok tulang dan jaringan gusi serta augmentasi sinus. Sedangkan pengobatan suportif bertujuan untuk mengendalikan perkembangan penyakit periodontal dan tidak selalu menggunakan pembedahan.
Recognize the Right Way to Overcome Toothache!

In some people toothache often occurs when eating ice cream, consuming hot tea, or when brushing their teeth. These complaints are generally caused by sensitive teeth. Toothache due to sensitive teeth occurs when the underlying layer of the teeth (dentin) is exposed. This makes the roots of the ...

The Importance of Maintaining Dental Health during Pregnancy

Oral and dental health of pregnant women should receive serious attention, even before marriage. This is considering that the impact can affect pregnancy. One form of concern about the dental health of pregnant women is to disseminate information on the correct way to care for teeth, since befor...

Do not panic! Bad Breath Can Be Prevented

Bad breath is a common problem for people of all ages. Apart from disturbing self-confidence, this condition can also be an indication of certain conditions, ranging from mouth problems to digestive disorders. About 3 out of 10 people can experience bad breath or what is commonly called halitosi...

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