drg. Arbi Wijaya, SpBMM adalah dokter gigi bedah mulut dan maksilofasial RS Hermina Mekarsari yang fokus dalam mengelola kesehatan pasien secara menyeluruh meliputi diagnosa dan perawatan yang bersifat non bedah pada kelainan primer maupun sekunder di rongga mulut dan sekitarnya. Berikut pelayanan drg. Arbi Wijaya, SpBMM: - Glossitis (Glossitis adalah suatu keradangan pada lidah). - Stomatitis (Gejalanya berupa rasa panas atau terbakar yang terjadi satu atau dua hari yang kemudian bisa menimbulkan luka di rongga mulut). - Lidah geografik (geographic tongue). - Gejala stomatitis. - Infeksi jamur. - Leukoplakia. - Kanker mulut
Hello Hermina Friends, In August last year, social media X and Tiktok were shocked by a viral post about a patient who died due to a tooth infection after undergoing intensive treatment in the ICU for 28 days. According to the @TrinityTraveler account, initially the uploader's friend (patient) c...
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Alert! Tooth Infections can Cause Death
Hello Hermina Friends, In August last year, social media X and Tiktok were shocked by a viral post about a patient who died due to a tooth infection after undergoing intensive treatment in the ICU for 28 days. According to the @TrinityTraveler account, initially the uploader's friend (patient) c...