drg. Arfina Sari, Sp.KG adalah salah satu dokter gigi spesialis konservasi gigi di RS. Hermina Makassar. Beliau berfokus menangani kasus pada gigi dengan menjaga dan mempertahankan gigi, baik fungsi maupun estetiknya. Dokter spesialis konservasi gigi atau biasa disebut Endodontis adalah mereka yang telah belajar secara khusus mengenai metode konservasi gigi.
A tooth root canal is a cavity found in the center of a tooth. This cavity contains blood vessels and nerves. The veins in the dental nerve only have a sensory function, namely to feel the hot or cold temperature of food. The tooth root canal is a cavity found in the center of the tooth. This ...
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Root Canal Treatment, Get to Know the Types and Procedures.
A tooth root canal is a cavity found in the center of a tooth. This cavity contains blood vessels and nerves. The veins in the dental nerve only have a sensory function, namely to feel the hot or cold temperature of food. The tooth root canal is a cavity found in the center of the tooth. This ...