drg. Asmulian Dwi Djaya

drg. Asmulian Dwi Djaya


 Hermina Medan

drg. Asmulian Dwi Djaya merupakan dokter spesialis gigi umum di RSU Hermina Medan. Beliau dapat menangani seputar permasalahan gigi, seperti gigi berlubang, sakit gigi, dll. Beliau dapat melakukan tindakan seperti pencabutan gigi, penambalan gigi, scalling, dan lainnya
Know the health impacts of leaving cavities in your teeth

Many people still ignore the importance of maintaining dental hygiene and carrying out regular dental health checks. This is prone to causing you to experience cavities. New treatment is carried out if the pain has attacked and interferes with the comfort of activities. Yes, toothache is very un...

How to Care For Teeth to Stay Healthy

Teeth are very hard body tissues that are found in the mouth and embedded in the gums, their roots penetrate the gum line and enter the jawbone. Teeth consist of three parts, namely: crown, root and neck. Meanwhile, teeth also consist of 3 layers, namely: Email, Dentin and Pulp. Teeth play an...

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