merupakan suatu cabang ilmu kedokteran gigi yang mempelajari masalah-masalah terkait rehabilitasi fungsi oral dengan cara mengganti gigi dan atau struktur gigi serta jaringan mulut yang hilang atau rusak dengan alat tiruan.
Have you ever heard of the term prosthodontics? For Friends of Hermina who want to install dentures, it's time for Friends of Hermina to learn more about prosthodontics.
Prosthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the restoration and maintenance of function in the oral cavity, com...
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Getting to Know the Dentist, Specialist in Prosthodontics
Have you ever heard of the term prosthodontics? For Friends of Hermina who want to install dentures, it's time for Friends of Hermina to learn more about prosthodontics. Prosthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the restoration and maintenance of function in the oral cavity, com...