drg. Grace Angelina Samuel, Sp.KG

drg. Grace Angelina Samuel, Sp.KG

 Dentistry - (Conservation of Teeth (Endodontics) )

 Hermina Pandanaran

drg. Grace Angelina Samuel, Sp.KG merupakan dokter gigi spesialis konservasi gigi yangmelakukan perawatan saluran akar dan prosedur bedah terkait penyakit yang barangkali dapat memberikan dampak pada kesehatan dan penampilan gigi. Perawatan yang diberikan bisa meliputi berbagai penambalan, perawatan saluran akar endodontik bedah, implan endodontik, pemutihan, serta pengelolaan gigi yang mengalami trauma.
Know How To Prevent & Overcome Tooth Cavities

Cavities that are not treated immediately are at risk of causing infection. Infections that occur will cause pain in the teeth, especially when chewing food. Find out the causes of cavities and how to overcome them in the following article. Tooth decay is a condition where tooth tissue breaks...

Experiencing cavities, should they be removed?

Cavities can cause aches or toothaches that may be unbearable. In addition, in some cases it can also lead to complications, ranging from infection, tooth abscess, sepsis, to tooth loss. Therefore, it is important to treat cavities most precisely in the following article. Various ways to deal...

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