drg. Hanna Ribka

drg. Hanna Ribka


 Hermina Manado

drg. Hanna Ribka adalah Dokter Gigi yang memiliki keahlian dalam memberikan perawatan gigi yang optimal dan nyaman. Dengan pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang luas, beliau dapat membantu Anda mengatasi masalah gigi dan mulut dengan pendekatan yang komprehensif dan efektif.
Let's Get to Know the Impact and Treatment of Tartar

Dental caculus or better known as tartar is a collection of plaque or food debris that sticks to the teeth for a long time and hardens. This plaque contains microorganisms/bacteria from food scraps and activities in the mouth. Based on its location, tartar is divided into 2 types, namely supragi...

Watch Out For Disorders of the Teeth and Mouth, This Will be Very Disturbing

Maintaining healthy teeth and mouth is not enough just by brushing your teeth, but it is highly recommended that you can also adopt a healthy lifestyle, starting from maintaining your food intake to the drinks you consume every day. Keep in mind that dental and oral health has an important role ...

Pus Around the Teeth and Gums? Beware of Natural Dental Abscess

Tooth abscess is a medical condition where a cavity forms around the teeth and gums which is filled with pus. Conditions like this usually occur due to lack of attention to dental and oral hygiene, resulting in bacterial infections that result in tooth abscesses. Please note that tooth absces...

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