Dokter bedah mulut adalah dokter spesialis yang menangani penyakit pada mulut, gigi, rahang, dan lidah, dengan tindakan pembedahan atau operasi. Dokter spesialis ini juga dikenal dengan sebutan dokter bedah mulut dan maksilofasial
The month of Ramadan is month holy for Muslims where fasting held from dawn until sun sunset . During month This is change pattern drastic eating and drinking can impact on health teeth and mouth . However , with a number of attention extras and habits maintenance good teeth , health your teeth ...
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Maintain Dental Health During Ramadan
The month of Ramadan is month holy for Muslims where fasting held from dawn until sun sunset . During month This is change pattern drastic eating and drinking can impact on health teeth and mouth . However , with a number of attention extras and habits maintenance good teeth , health your teeth ...