drg. Lidya, Sp.KG adalah dokter gigi RS Hermina Jatinegara yang fokus dalam tindakan seputar menjaga dan mempertahankan fungsi sekaligus estetika gigi. Berikut adalah perawatan yang dilakukan drg. Lidya, Sp.KG:
- Bedah endodontik.
- Perawatan saluran akar.
- Penambalan gigi.
- Implan endodontik.
- Memutihkan gigi.
Sahabat Hermina, the term "spa dentistry" was used in the 18th century to describe what dentist Ms Curris did in Bath, England. It is likely that he was the pioneer of dental spas that offered dentist patients with skin and body treatments. Dental spa services began to flourish in the 1990s. In ...
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Can Dental Spa Whiten Teeth?
Sahabat Hermina, the term "spa dentistry" was used in the 18th century to describe what dentist Ms Curris did in Bath, England. It is likely that he was the pioneer of dental spas that offered dentist patients with skin and body treatments. Dental spa services began to flourish in the 1990s. In ...