drg. Muhammad Syakuran, Sp.BM, FICS

drg. Muhammad Syakuran, Sp.BM, FICS

 Dentistry - (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)

 Hermina Ciputat

drg. Muhammad Syakuran, Sp.BM merupakan dokter gigi spesialis bedah mulut yang praktek di Rumah Sakit Hermina Ciputat. drg. Muhammad Syakuran, Sp.BM fokus menangani penyakit pada mulut, gigi, rahang, dan lidah, khususnya dengan operasi seperti: Pencabutan gigi, Penatalaksanaan gigi impaksi (gigi bungsu), Implant gigi, Kelainan patologi jaringan lunak dan Jaringan keras rongga mulut, Infeksi orofasial (abses/pembengkakan), Kista dan Tumor rongga mulut, Trauma dentoalveolar dan maksilofasial, dan Kelainan kongenital.
What causes wisdom teeth to grow crookedly?

Wisdom teeth that grow later often cause complaints when they grow, even growing crookedly, or impaction. Impacted teeth are the condition of teeth that cannot erupt or grow in their position because they are blocked by something such as tissue or neighboring teeth, causing medical problems and ...

Wisdom teeth grow crookedly, do you need surgery?

Does an impacted tooth require surgery? Impacted teeth must receive special treatment from an oral surgeon. One of the treatments or management of impacted teeth is an odontectomy procedure, or what people often call wisdom tooth surgery. Odontectomy can be carried out using two methods, name...

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