drg. Natalia, M.Dsc, Sp.KGA

drg. Natalia, M.Dsc, Sp.KGA

 Dentistry - (Pediatric Dentistry (Pedodontics))

 Hermina Makassar

drg. Natalia, M.Dsc, Sp.KGA adalah dokter gigi spesialis kedokteran gigi anak di RS. Hermina Makassar. Kedokteran gigi anak merupakan bidang kedokteran gigi yang bertujuan mencegah dan merawat penyakit pada gigi dan mulut anak usia balita hingga remaja. drg. Patriani, Sp.KGA mendiagnosis, merawat gigi anak dan memastikan gigi permanen anak tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik. Selain itu, membantu mencegah atau mengobati gigi yang miring letaknya dan berjejal, mengobati masalah gigi dan mulut anak sebelum kondisinya bertambah parah
Check out the Right Time to Take Your Consul's Child to the Dentist

Parents need to maintain healthy teeth and mouth from an early age to avoid health problems for their little ones. Some of the dental and oral problems that are often encountered include sensitive teeth, cavities, gum inflammation and infection, which should not be taken lightly, especially in...

The Impact of Pacifier Use on Children's Dental Health

Pacifiers are one of the objects most often used by babies over the years to help with the process of drinking milk or other drinks. Giving milk using a pacifier before bed is something parents usually do. Even though it is quite helpful in making babies calm and fussy, using a pacifier for a ...

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