drg. Rahayu Nisak adalah seorang dokter gigi yang berdedikasi untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut terbaik kepada pasiennya. Beliau bertugas di RS Hermina Aceh dan memiliki fokus dalam melakukan diagnosis, pengobatan, serta pencegahan berbagai masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut.
Dental health is often considered trivial, even though the role of teeth is very important in supporting daily activities, from eating to talking.
However, without realizing it, many bad habits that are done every day can actually damage dental health. These habits, if left unchecked, not onl...
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Bad Habits That Harm Dental Health and How to Avoid Them
Dental health is often considered trivial, even though the role of teeth is very important in supporting daily activities, from eating to talking. However, without realizing it, many bad habits that are done every day can actually damage dental health. These habits, if left unchecked, not onl...