drg. Sandy Chritono, Sp.KGA merupakan dokter gigi anak yang khusus menangani masalah mulut yang spesifik terjadi pada anak-anak, mulai dari usia bayi sampai remaja. Dokter gigi anak dapat memeriksa apa yang membuat si kecil terlambat tumbuh gigi dan memberikan solusinya.
It is important to take care of children's overall health, including dental and oral health. Maintaining oral and dental health is one of the good habits that must be taught since childhood. That way, this can become a habit and make children have a high awareness to do this for the rest of thei...
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Maintaining Children's Dental Health from an Early Age
It is important to take care of children's overall health, including dental and oral health. Maintaining oral and dental health is one of the good habits that must be taught since childhood. That way, this can become a habit and make children have a high awareness to do this for the rest of thei...