drg. Trisantoso Rezdy Asalui, Sp.Perio merupakan dokter spesialis periodontik di RS. Hermina Makassar. Beliau merupakan dokter gigi spesialistik yang berfokus pada pencegahan, diagnosis, dan pengobatan penyakit periodontal, penyakit peradangan kronis yang memengaruhi gusi dan tulang penyangga gigi serta dapat melakukan tindakan penempatan implan gigi.
The Danger of Tartar If Allowed to Build Up!
Danger of tartar if allowed to accumulate! Tartar is a very common dental health problem and is often underestimated by many people. In fact, there are still many people who pay less attention to dental hygiene. What's more, if there are bacteria from food scraps that are still attached to th...
The Danger of Tartar If Allowed to Build Up!
Danger of tartar if allowed to accumulate! Tartar is a very common dental health problem and is often underestimated by many people. In fact, there are still many people who pay less attention to dental hygiene. What's more, if there are bacteria from food scraps that are still attached to th...
Lazy about cleaning tartar? Beware of 5 diseases that can arise due to accumulated tartar
Tartar is a dental health problem that is often experienced by many people. This has often been experienced because in fact there are still many people who do not pay attention to dental and oral hygiene. Tartar is a plaque that forms a hardened, dirt-like layer on the teeth. Unlike ordinary pla...