Berpraktek sebagai dokter gigi umum di Rumah Sakit Hermina Kendari drg. Wenni Puspa Raharja dapat membantu memberikan tindakan medis seperti, perawatan gigi umum
Cavities are a condition in which the hard tissues of the teeth are damaged due to bacteria found in the human mouth. Teeth can be slowly damaged by bacteria which are acidic substances that can damage the health of the teeth. Dental crowns can be damaged by bacteria or can also be damaged by a ...
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What are the main causes of cavities?
Cavities are a condition in which the hard tissues of the teeth are damaged due to bacteria found in the human mouth. Teeth can be slowly damaged by bacteria which are acidic substances that can damage the health of the teeth. Dental crowns can be damaged by bacteria or can also be damaged by a ...