drg. Widhitya Yulia Iryana

drg. Widhitya Yulia Iryana


 Hermina Bitung

drg. Widhitya Yulia Iryana t merupakan dokter gigi yang praktek di Rumah Sakit Hermina Bitung, memiliki keahlian khusus di bidang kesehatan gigi dan mulut dan berperan melakukan diagnosis, mengobati, dan mencegah masalah gigi dan mulut. Selain itu dokter gigi akan merujuk anak ke dokter gigi spesialis sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Here are the steps for treating cavities that can be done by children and adults, let's see..

Hello Hermina's friend, Do you like feeling toothache due to cavities? Usually cavities are one of the most common dental complaints, both in adults and children. This condition is difficult to detect because it generally does not cause pain at first. Therefore, it is necessary to have regular d...

“Lack of Confidence Due to Tartar? Let's prevent it from now..

Hello friend Hermina, I like to feel toothache and lack self-confidence because there is tartar or yellow plaque. Currently, tartar is a very common dental health problem and is often underestimated, even though this condition can cause serious dental and oral disease. It must be very unpleasant...

Look Attractive with Teeth Bleaching

Hello Hermina's friend, feeling insecure because her teeth are not white and discolored. If Friends of Hermina want to make it brighter and whiter, you can safely do so. Hermina's friend, you can visit the dentist for bleaching treatment. What is teeth whitening? Tooth bleaching is a denta...

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