drg. Yuliana Winata merupakan dokter RS Hermina Mutiara Bunda Slatiga yang berfokus pada kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang meliputi diagnosis, mengobati, dan mencegah masalah gigi dan mulut.
drg. Yuliana Winata bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: Menanyakan keluhan yang dirasakan, menanyakan kebiasaan makan,
atau kebiasaan seperti merokok dan minum alkohol, menanyakan kebiasaan Anda dalam menjaga kebersihan gigi dan mulut, mengecek kesahatan gigi, gusi, dan mulut secara keseluruhan,
melakukan tindakan sesuai keluhan, memberikan obat-obatan sesuai diagnosis dan kebutuhan pasien, terkait masalah pada gigi, gusi, dan mulut
The Importance of Cleaning Tartar
Tartar is one of the causes of problems that occur in the mouth. Moreover, tartar will not disappear by brushing your teeth regularly. What is tartar? The bacteria in the mouth process the food residue on the teeth, then it becomes a sticky layer that is widely found on our teeth, called p...
How to Overcome Tooth Pain
Having sensitive teeth can be very annoying sometimes. The sharp pain and throbbing that comes with eating food can make you feel very uncomfortable. In fact, the pain that arises can be felt hours after eating. Sensitivity is caused by the very soft middle layer of the tooth (dentin) expose...
Impact Teeth in Extraction
Friends of Hermina, The types of human teeth are divided into two baby teeth and permanent teeth. The number of teeth that an adult has is 32 permanent teeth consisting of 16 in the upper jaw and 16 in the lower jaw. Teeth help the mouth function in the digestive system by tearing and chewing f...