Dokter saraf atau neurologis adalah dokter spesialis yang mendiagnosis dan mengobati masalah yang berkaitan dengan otak dan sistem saraf. Sistem saraf bertanggung jawab dalam mengatur fungsi koordinasi tubuh, mengatur kerja organ tubuh, menerima dan memproses rangsangan fisik (nyeri, sentuhan, dan suhu), menggerakkan tubuh, serta menjalani proses kognitif, seperti berpikir dan mengingat.
Get to know what a stroke is
Stroke is a focal and global neurological deficit that occurs suddenly, lasts for 24 hours or more, and can cause death without any other obvious cause other than vascular. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked or ruptures. As a result, part of the brain does not get t...
First Aid for seizures
Don't Underestimate Headaches
2 Types of Stroke Based on Condition
A stroke is defined as a rapid, focal, and worldwide neurological deficiency that is thought to be caused by vascular factors alone. It can linger for 24 hours or longer, cause death, or both. When a blood vessel in the brain bursts or becomes blocked, a stroke happens. As a result, certain ...
First aid for seizures