
 Hermina Yogya

dr Dyanne Paramita Arindra Putri Sp. N, merupakan dokter spesialis neurologi merupakan dokter khusus dalam mendiagnosis dan mengobati penyakit yang berkaitan dengan sistem saraf, termasuk otak, otot, saraf tepi, dan saraf tulang belakang. Berbagai penyakit saraf yang ditangani oleh dokter Spesialis Neurologi antara lain : stroke, epilepsi, demensia, gangguan gerak, gangguan saraf tulang belakang, saraf terjepit, parkinson, nyeri terkait gangguan saraf. Pada dasarnya setelah tegak diagnosa dokter Spesialis Neurologi akan memberikan obat untuk mengurangi gejala yang muncul

DIFFERENT HEADACHES STROKE VS MIGRAINE Strokes and migraine headaches can be linked together. This can generally only be known by tests, doctor's diagnosis, and supporting examinations such as head CT scans. Migraines and strokes both occur in the brain, sometimes the symptoms of a migr...

Get to know ALS and its Symptoms

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative neurological disease. In this disease there is damage and death of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Nerve cell damage is also accompanied by inflammation of the surrounding tissue. The nerve cells that are damaged are mainly the type...

Frequently tying your hair can cause headaches

Terlalu sering menjepit rambut bisa menyebabkan sakit kepala Mengikat rambut merupakan sebuah kebiasaan yang suka dilakukan oleh wanita maupun pria yang memiliki rambut panjang. Meski bisa membuat penampilanmu lebih simpel, rapi, dan cantik, namun mengikat rambut ternyata bisa membuat pusing ...

Rabies Lurking Recognize the Symptoms

Rabies Lurking Recognize the Symptoms Recently, cases of rabies are increasing, 95% of cases of rabies in humans are obtained through the bite of an infected dog. There are also various wild animals that act as virus reservoirs on various continents such as foxes, raccoons and bats, but 95...

Numbness due to sitting for too long

Numbness due to sitting for too long Office workers who sit all day without doing any movement at all, drivers who drive long distances, and young people who play online games all day while facing the screen non-stop are susceptible to feeling numbness in the pelvis and buttocks area when sit...

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