Dokter spesialis mata adalah dokter yang memiliki keahlian spesifik dalam memberikan pemeriksaan, perawatan, serta diagnosis yang berhubungan dengan penyakit mata dan gangguan penglihatan.
A cataract is a clouding that occurs in part or all of the lens of the eye. This will decrease vision, as clouding the eye's lens will cause light to not be refracted properly.
Cataracts in the eye can be caused by several factors, namely, age/degenerative factors; high UV exposure to the eye...
Gadgets have a big influence on people's lives today. Communication is a basic need, so nowadays gadgets are no longer a luxury item like they were a decade ago. We frequently come across people of all ages, from the lower to the upper classes, who have all used gadgets. With the sophistication ...
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Cataracts: Causes, Types, and Prevention
A cataract is a clouding that occurs in part or all of the lens of the eye. This will decrease vision, as clouding the eye's lens will cause light to not be refracted properly. Cataracts in the eye can be caused by several factors, namely, age/degenerative factors; high UV exposure to the eye...
Effect of Gadgets on the Eyes
Gadgets have a big influence on people's lives today. Communication is a basic need, so nowadays gadgets are no longer a luxury item like they were a decade ago. We frequently come across people of all ages, from the lower to the upper classes, who have all used gadgets. With the sophistication ...