Justine Artwanti,dr,SpPD

Justine Artwanti,dr,SpPD

 Internal Medicine

 Hermina Arcamanik

Dokter penyakit dalam adalah dokter spesialis yang menangani berbagai keluhan, gejala, dan masalah kesehatan terkait hampir seluruh sistem organ dalam tubuh pasien dewasa dan lansia. Dokter penyakit dalam memiliki keahlian dan kompetensi untuk menangani berbagai penyakit yang tidak dapat ditangani oleh dokter umum.
Treatment to Overcome Metabolic Syndrome

The symptoms of the metabolic syndrome include hypertension (high blood pressure), decreased glucose tolerance, and dyslipidemia (a condition in which cholesterol levels, namely LDL, HDL, and triglycerides, are abnormal) (a condition that is not yet included in the diabetes category but blood gl...

Healthy Living Behavior to Avoid Communicable Diseases

Infectious diseases are diseases that attack humans and can be transmitted to other humans in certain ways. The method of transmission is by direct media from person to person (skin surface), air media (airborne disease) such as TB and influenza, and water media (waterborne disease or water-rela...

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