Dokter kandungan adalah dokter yang mendalami kesehatan sistem reproduksi wanita. Dokter yang sering juga disebut sebagai dokter spesialis obstetri dan ginekologi atau disingkat 'obgin' inilah yang utamanya berperan dalam membantu memeriksa ibu hamil, membantu persalinan, dan perawatan setelah persalinan.
The placenta is an organ that develops during pregnancy and is responsible for distributing nutrients and oxygen and removing waste from the baby to the mother's body. Under normal conditions, the placenta attaches to the top or side of the uterine wall. However, in some cases, the placenta can ...
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Pregnant Women Must Know! These are the risks and treatments if the placenta is low lying
The placenta is an organ that develops during pregnancy and is responsible for distributing nutrients and oxygen and removing waste from the baby to the mother's body. Under normal conditions, the placenta attaches to the top or side of the uterine wall. However, in some cases, the placenta can ...