Yahya Airlambang., dr. SpRM

Yahya Airlambang., dr. SpRM

 Physical medicine and rehabilitation

 Hermina Arcamanik

Dokter rehabilitasi medis (Sp.RM) adalah dokter spesialis yang berperan membantu memulihkan fungsi tubuh pasien yang mengalami gangguan atau kecacatan. Dengan bantuan dokter rehabilitasi medis, pasien diharapkan dapat memiliki kualitas hidup yang lebih baik.
Exercise Dosage for Lower Back Pain Patients

Low back pain (LBP) or lower back pain is a common condition and can affect a person's quality of life. Therapeutic exercise is one of the recommended management approaches for patients with LBP, and appropriate exercise dosing is essential to achieving optimal results. Before starting exerci...

The Role of Medical Rehabilitation in Work-related Muscle Disorders

Medical or physical rehabilitation is a holistic approach in managing work-related musculoskeletal disorders that aims to reduce pain, restore physical function, and improve the quality of life of affected workers. Work-related muscle disorders often occur as a result of repetitive work activiti...

Interventional Management of Pain in Medical Rehabilitation

Pain is an unpleasant subjective experience experienced by individuals due to stimuli that damage body tissues. Pain can affect the physical, emotional, and psychosocial aspects of individuals and can be an obstacle in the medical rehabilitation process. Therefore, effective pain management inte...

Medical Rehabilitation for Osteoarthritis to Improve the Quality of Life of Sufferers

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common types of joint disease throughout the world. This occurs when the cartilage that lines the ends of the bones in the joints is damaged, resulting in inflammation, pain, and restricted joint movement. Risk factors for osteoarthritis include old age, previou...

Do cold therapy for a sports injury

A cold therapy modality is a medical rehabilitation technique used to treat various medical conditions, injuries, or physical disorders. Cold therapy can be done using various methods, such as cold compresses, ice, cold balneotherapy (the use of mineral water as therapy), or cryotherapy (a medic...

The Role of Medical Rehabilitation in Occupational Nervous Disorders

Occupational nervous breakdown is a condition that can occur as a result of long-term or repeated exposure to certain occupational risk factors, such as vibration, pressure, repetitive motion, or exposure to toxic chemicals. Work-related nerve disorders can include a variety of conditions, such ...

Periodization of Exercise in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients

Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that affects the knee joint and can cause pain, swelling, and limited movement in patients. The management of knee osteoarthritis involves the use of medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications, including therapeutic exercise. Period...

The Role of Medical Rehabilitation in Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by decreased bone density and weakness of bone structure, which increases the risk of bone fractures. This condition occurs when new bone formation cannot keep up with existing bone loss, causing a decrease in bone density. The most common fractures occu...

Stiff Muscles Do With Heat Therapy

The heat therapy modality is a form of physical therapy that is often used in medical rehabilitation to reduce pain, increase movement, reduce muscle and joint stiffness, and speed up the healing process. Heat therapy has been used since ancient times as an alternative treatment method for a var...

Dosage of Exercise in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients

Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition of the knee joint characterized by damage to the joint cartilage. This can cause pain, stiffness, swelling, and impaired movement of the knee. Physical exercise can be an important part of managing knee osteoarthritis, and the right dose and period...

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