Yuliana Lubis, M.Psi, S.Psi, Psikolog

Yuliana Lubis, M.Psi, S.Psi, Psikolog


 Hermina Medan

Yuliana Lubis, M.Psi, S.Psi, Psikolog merupakan psikolog anak di RSU Hermina Medan. Beliau mengidentifikasi perubahan perkembangan pada bayi, anak, dan remaja. Beliau dapat menangani beberapa permasalahan psikolog anak, seperti Perkembangan Fisik, Perkembangan Kognitif, Perkembangan Sosial, dan Perkembangan Ingatan/Memori
The Dangers of Bullying on Children's Mental Health

Many cases of bullying that occur in school and home environments involve perpetrators and underage victims. According to the results of a study by the National Consortium for School Character Development in 2014, acts of bullying occur in almost every school in Indonesia. However, only a few ca...

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