Healthy Exercise & Blood Donation at RSU Hermina Kendari

Healthy Exercise & Blood Donation at RSU Hermina Kendari

Hayyy friends of Hermina, in order to organize National PMI Day and National Sports Day held by RSU Hermina Kendari on Saturday 9 September 2023, RSU Hermina Kendari held healthy exercise and blood donation activities which were participated in by the people of Kendari city Hopefully this activ...

 Midwife Gathering at Karawang Region

Midwife Gathering at Karawang Region

RSU Hermina Karawang held a gathering of all midwives from the district. Karawang, I socialize to midwives about services, facilities, as well as consultations regarding cases that occur with ob-gyn specialist, dr. Radiastomo, Sp.OG. The event took place with excitement and was full of interesti...

Care for Cataracts with an Eye Examination with Dr. Azaia Latuasan, Sp.M

Care for Cataracts with an Eye Examination with Dr. Azaia Latuasan, Sp.M

Caring for Cataract Eyes in a series of programs at Posbindu Peruri to support this program, RSU Hermina Karawang collaborates, providing a free mini MCU consultation corner with services, health screening, Temporary Blood Sugar (GDS) checks, Blood Pressure Checks, in addition to cataract eye ex...

Free GDS Checks & Health Screenings with Lotus Lakes Open

Free GDS Checks & Health Screenings with Lotus Lakes Open

For priority members, Lates Lotus is organizing a Lates Lotus Open Event to deliver the finest service possible. Hermina Karawang Hospital offers a consultation corner with services, health screenings, free temporary blood sugar (GDS) testing, and appealing incentives for priority members to sup...

Health Screening, Free GDS Check with Miracle of Summerland

Health Screening, Free GDS Check with Miracle of Summerland

Miracle of Summerland held an event, to support this program RSU Hermina Karawang collaborated, providing a free consultation corner with services, health screening, Timely Blood Sugar (GDS) checks, to visitors who were present and providing an interesting gimmick. Apart from these examinations,...

"Pemeriksaan Mini MCU dan Health Talk dr. Lenny Octavinawaty, Sp.N-FINA bersama Alumni Bank Mandiri Palembang"

"Pemeriksaan Mini MCU dan Health Talk dr. Lenny Octavinawaty, Sp.N-FINA bersama Alumni Bank Mandiri Palembang"

Halo sahabat hermina... Pada hari sabtu16 september 2023 tim RS Hermina melakukan Pemeriksaan Mini MCU dan Health Talk Bersama dr. Lenny Octavinawaty, Sp.N-FINAbersama Alumni Bank MandiriPalembang di ikuti hampir 100pesertayang melakukan mini MCU, acara di awali dengan senam sehat bersama. ...

Professor title for pediatric surgeons

Professor title for pediatric surgeons

It is an honor for Hermina Yogya Hospital to have a Pediatric Surgeon Specialist, Pediatric Digestive Surgery Subspecialistwho has held the title of Professor Prof's profession, prayers and hopes for Prof. Gunadi Doctor's practice schedule and registration can be done via the Hermina Hospitals...

Professor title for Doctor Ismail, Consultant Neurologist

Professor title for Doctor Ismail, Consultant Neurologist

It is a matter of pride for Hermina Yogya Hospital to have a Neurologist Specialist (Consulen) who has held the title of Professor, Prof. Prof. Prayers and wishes go to Prof. Ismail Setyopranoto. Doctor's practice schedule and registration can be done via the Hermina Hospitals website, select t...

Men Clinic RSU Hermina Manado

Men Clinic RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sahabat Hermina ... Men Clinic Hermina Manado hadir sebagai pusat layanan medis unggulan terbaru khusus untuk kaum pria dalam menangani permasalahan kesehatan fertilitas. Untuk jadwal praktek dokter dapat mengunjungi websitem kami

Hermina Talk Senyum Indonesia Mulut sehat, Gigi Kuat.

Hermina Talk Senyum Indonesia Mulut sehat, Gigi Kuat.

Hello Friends of Hermina, Let's join Hermina Talk Live on Monday, September 18, 2023 at 13.00 WIB via Instagram @rsiaherminamutiarabundasltg to get information about children's dental health from drg. Nirmalinda O. P, MDSc, Sp.KGA CHILD DENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST Doctor and moderator drg. Yu lian...

"Beauty In Plastic Surgery"

"Beauty In Plastic Surgery"

Halo Sahabat Hermina.... Ayok saksikan tayangan ulang live instagram@rsuherminapalembangHermina Talk bersama pembicara dr. Laras Puspita N, SpBP-RE tentang "Beauty In Plastic Surgery" Pada Hari : Senin Tanggal : 18September2023 Jam : 16.00 s.d Selesai Jangan lupa tonton secara langsung...

Hermina Hospital Depok Influenza Vaccine

Hermina Hospital Depok Influenza Vaccine

Hermina Depok Hospital currently provides meningitis vaccinations for Hajj and Umrah with an international vaccination certificate.

Displaying item 1285-1296 of 2422 in total
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