Welcome to Dr. Hanna Ulien Kaban, Sp.N
Welcome to Dr. Hanna Ulien Kaban, Sp.N, neurologist at Hermina Podomoro Hospital
Welcome to Dr. Hanna Ulien Kaban, Sp.N, neurologist at Hermina Podomoro Hospital
Healthy exercise activities with residents of Medono sub-district, West Pekalongan District, Pekalongan City on Friday 10 November 2023 which took place in the courtyard of Medono sub-district, as well as health education with Dr. Dede Andrianus Njoto S general practitioner at Hermina Hospital P...
Hello Hermina friends, Good news for Hermina friends who want to join Hermina Hospital, Hermina Padang Hospital is currently opening vacancies for nurses. Come on, register immediately. And send your application via email: recruitment.padang@herminahospitals.com Submission deadline Nov...
Health Talk Lung Disease Due to Work PT Pertamina Sumbagut Minangkabau International Airport / DPPU MIA Aircraft Filling Depot. This activity was held on Friday 17 November 2023 in the DPPU MIA Meeting Room with resource person Dr. Rizki Amalia Hardi, Sp. P(K), FAPSR is a pulmonary specialist a...
RSU Hermina Padang has completed building additional treatment rooms on the 6th floor and a hemodialysis installation. and on November 10, the Staff and Directors of RSU Hermina Padang held thanksgiving and prayer activities with Ustadz Hafis. This thanksgiving was held directly on the 6th floor...
Activities have taken place on: Saturday, November 11 2023 At the Karanganyar Regency Hall #CalmInHermina #HerminaCloser #PregnantMotherNutrition
Activities have taken place at: Saturday, November 11 2023 #HerminaCloser #CalmInHermina
Activities have taken place on: Tuesday, 07 November 2023 At Pertiwi Lalung Karanganyar Kindergarten #HerminaCloser #CalmInHermina #Children's Dental Specialist
Activities Have Taken Place on: Saturday, 04 November 2023 At Waroeng Mbok Marni #HerminaCloser #CalmInHermina
RSU Hermina Medan memiliki layanan pemasangan gigi palsu dengan Dokter "dr. Noni Harahap, Sp.Pros" Anda dianjurkan ke Dokter Gigi Spesialis Prostodonti jika mengalami: 1. Kasus Gigi Kompleks 2. Pemasangan Gigi Palsu 3. Implan Gigi 4. Veneer dll Bagi Sahabat Hermina yang ...
Now Available: Lactation Outpatient Clinic at Hermina Ciruas Hospital. So, for moms who are confused and need information about breastfeeding and baby health during breastfeeding, let's consult with Dr. Eka Endah Lestari. For More Information, Contact Marketing 081292363757
Activities have taken place on: Friday, 03 November 2023 In the context of HKN 2023 #HerminaCloser #CalmInHermina