"Pemeriksaan Kesehatan RS Hermina Palembang bersama Alumni SMA Negeri 5 Palembang dalam Rangka Sorak Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia"

"Pemeriksaan Kesehatan RS Hermina Palembang bersama Alumni SMA Negeri 5 Palembang dalam Rangka Sorak Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia"

Dalam rangka hari kemerdekaan Republik INdonesia ke 78 para alumni SMA Negeri 5 Palembang mengadakan perkumpulan yang juga di adakan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan bersama RS Hermina Palembang pada hari minggu 20 Agustus 2023,bersama Alumni SMA Negeri 5 Palembang dalam Rangka Sorak Kemerdekaan Republik I...

Hermina Galaxy Hospital is hosting a special Independence Day celebration for the 78th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.

Hermina Galaxy Hospital is hosting a special Independence Day celebration for the 78th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.

Hello Hermina Friends! In honor of the 78th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, Hemrina Galaxy Hospital is hosting a special Independence campaign that includes the following items: 1. Free scaling of one jaw with a minimum transaction of $1 million for dental treatment 2. A 30% vita...



Friends of Hermina, Mental Health has recently become an interesting issue to discuss, where a person's mental health comes from the smallest sphere of himself, namely the family, in response to this Hermina Metland Cibitung Hospital together with the Batavia Cluster Mothers at Metland Cibitung ...

VIP class for JKN patients

VIP class for JKN patients

Hello... Friends of Hermina Healthy greetings always During the healing period, choosing an inpatient room greatly affects the healing process. For those of you who are JKN guarantee owners, don't worry...you can occupy a place padma or executive inpatient rooms.



In commemoration of the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Hermina Metlnad Cibitung Hospital held a series of competitive activities such as table tennis, palm-lining, badminton competitions starting from August 10 to August 16 2023, and at the peak event Hermina Metland Cibitun...

Halo sahabat Hermina ... Gangguan tidur yang tidak segera ditangani akan sangat berdampak pada kualitas tidur dan kesehatan penderitanya. Spesial Kemerdekaan, RSU Hermina Manado memberikan harga spesial untuk anda yang ingin melakukan Sleep Test bersama dr. Riane Anggreani Sp.N, RPSGT Fellow ...

Basic Life Assistance Training Toyota Auto 2000 By Pass Padang

Basic Life Assistance Training Toyota Auto 2000 By Pass Padang

Tuesday 15 August 2023 RSU Hermina Padang held a Basic Life Assistance Training activity with Toyota Auto 2000 By Pass Padang employees. This activity was held directly in the training room of the Toyota Auto 2000 building. This activity is expected to be able to provide employees with knowledge...

Pregnancy Yoga Class Prenatal Yoga Education and Learning with Dr. Tri Seno Adji, SpOG

Pregnancy Yoga Class Prenatal Yoga Education and Learning with Dr. Tri Seno Adji, SpOG

On August 4, 2023 Hermina Balikpapan Hospital held a Pregnancy Yoga class for Prenatal Yoga Education and Learning which was attended by 50 participants. This class is open to the public for all Hermina friends who are pregnant and need prenatal education. This activity is a form of concern for ...

Hermina Hospital Launches New Logo on RI's Independence Day

Hermina Hospital Launches New Logo on RI's Independence Day

Jakarta, 17 August 2023 - Hermina Hospital officially announced the launch of the new logoon the 78th Indonesian Independence Day which falls on Thursday, 17 August 2023 at Hermina Tower, Central Jakarta. Founded in 1985, starting from a hospital with special services for mothers and children,n...

 Merdeka Healthy Walk to Commemorate the 78th Indonesian Independence Day in Kendari City

Merdeka Healthy Walk to Commemorate the 78th Indonesian Independence Day in Kendari City

Enlivening the 78th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day, Hermina Kendari Hospital took part in enlivening the Merdeka Healthy Walk activities carried out by the Kendari City Government with a distance of 3.78 Km. Merdeka Healthy Walk which was opened directly by Pj. The ...

Hermina Road To School SMP 04 Kendari

Hermina Road To School SMP 04 Kendari

The Hermina Road to School activity is Hermina Kendari's visit to schools around Hermina Kendari Hospital, by providing health education delivered by general practitioners and specialists at Hermina Kendari Hospital, education about "The Importance of Breakfast" delivered by dr. Darmalianti Rahi...

Has Joined dr. Emy Pramita Utami, Sp.GK at Hermina Balikpapan Hospital

Has Joined dr. Emy Pramita Utami, Sp.GK at Hermina Balikpapan Hospital

Has Joined dr. Emy Pramita Utami, Sp.GKwho is a clinical nutrition specialistat Hermina Hospital, Balikpapan. As a hospital located in one of the largest cities in East Kalimantan, Hermina Balikpapan Hospital is committed to the people of Balikpapan city to provide excellent service. For thos...

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